Apple Advertising Services Video, Display & Audio Policies
Effective Date: July 11, 2024
1. Rights & Responsibilities
It is the Provider’s responsibility to ensure that all advertising and sponsorship meets each of the following requirements:
- 1.1 You must comply with applicable Apple policies and terms.
1.2 Advertising must comply with all applicable laws, regulations (e.g., FTC, FDA, etc.), governmental guidelines and stated policies (e.g., the FTC’s guidance on native advertisements and endorsements, etc.), and generally accepted industry standards (e.g., CARU guidelines), including those relating to necessary licensing or permits for the Advertising, including in all jurisdictions in which the Advertising is disseminated. This includes the making of all legally required disclaimers and other statements.
1.3 Advertising must respect and may not violate the intellectual property or other legal rights of third parties.
1.4 All material appearing within the Advertising must have the appropriate rights and licenses, whether for imagery, logos, text, or likenesses.
1.5 Using the Apple name, products, logo, or other brand attributes without prior approval isn’t permitted. Ads can’t mimic or resemble the Apple brand or the user interface of Apple products. Refer to the Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights for more details.
1.6 Ads must not contain incorrect grammar, punctuation, or capitalization. Symbols, numbers, and letters must be used properly. Ads must use correct localization.
1.7 Advertising may not mislead or deceive viewers, including through material omissions. Advertised products or services must be truthfully and accurately represented in the Advertising. Advertising may not mislead or deceive viewers into believing that the content is independent, impartial, or from a source other than the sponsoring advertiser.
1.8 All expressed and implied claims made in Advertising must be adequately substantiated before the advertisement has been scheduled to appear. Claims that deal with attributes that are measurable and verifiable must be supported by substantiation that is equally measurable and verifiable. This includes competent and reliable scientific evidence for claims that require such substantiation (e.g., health, safety, or environmental claims) and may also include, for example, market research, product testing, and consumer surveys.
1.9 Ads that include surveys must display the entity that is conducting the survey and have a Respondent/Privacy Statement.
1.10 Disclaimers in Advertising must be presented clearly and conspicuously, and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines (e.g., FTC policy statements and guidance). Disclaimers should be in the same language as the claim and should be easily understandable by ordinary consumers. Visual text disclosures should appear in a font sufficiently large to be easily noticed and read and must remain on the screen long enough to be read by average viewers. Audible disclosures must be delivered in a volume, speed, and cadence sufficient for ordinary consumers to easily hear and understand. If Advertising uses both visual and audible means, the disclosure must be presented in both formats.
1.11 Advertising that includes warranties, guarantees, or other types of assurances to consumers must disclose the materials and limitations of such and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines relevant applicable to such claims.
1.12 Endorsements or testimonials in Advertising must reflect the accurate and truthful experiences of the endorser, may not falsely or misleadingly represent that the endorsement is representative of the typical consumer experience, must clearly and conspicuously disclose the material connection between the endorser and the advertiser, and may not include statements or claims that would otherwise violate any applicable laws, regulations, or guidelines (e.g., the FTC’s Endorsement Guides: What People Are Asking).
1.13 Unless explicitly agreed to by Apple in writing, Advertising may not state, imply, or reasonably cause viewers to believe that Apple supports, sponsors, or is associated with the content or subject matter of the Advertising.
1.14 Advertising may not mislead or deceive viewers into providing personal information without their knowledge, under false pretenses, or to companies who resell, trade, barter, or otherwise misuse that personal information.
1.15 If the Advertising is for a product or service that seeks to collect viewers’ personal information, that product or service provider must obtain user content and must make its public-facing privacy policy available to users as may be required under applicable law.
2. Prohibited
The following categories of advertising and sponsorship are prohibited:
2.1 Controlled or intoxicating substances: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale, distribution, consumption, adoption, support, or use of (1) any tobacco products or recreational drugs (substances that intoxicate or alter the mental state, whether lawful or not in any jurisdiction), (2) tobacco or drug paraphernalia or apparatuses used in tobacco or recreational drug use, or (3) tobacco products, recreational drugs, or paraphernalia / apparatuses by persons not lawfully permitted to use such (e.g., below the legal age in the jurisdiction where the Advertising is disseminated). Alcohol advertising restrictions are addressed below.
2.2 Deception: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes false, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or messaging including misleading titles, statements, or illustrations, including deception by implication or omission of material information. Illustrative examples include:
- Advertising that uses enticing headlines or content to deceive or otherwise misrepresent the content being delivered (e.g., “You have been chosen to win a free...”) is prohibited.
- Advertising that deceptively promotes items as free even when a charge or fees apply (e.g., items that require any type of payment, administration costs, carrying charges, or other fees, and hence are not truly free items) is prohibited.
- Advertising messaging that identifies personal information about the designated audience, if any, (e.g., “Single Men, 18-24 try this!”) is prohibited.
- Representations about price, including “free” or “no cost,” may not be misleading or omit information about prices, payment terms, fees, or expenses a typical consumer would likely incur.
- Offers available in ads must be clear to users and can’t misrepresent the true nature of the offer. For apps, music, movies, TV shows, and books, prices must be accurate as displayed in the respective Apple app. Additionally, any ratings claims must be accurate at all times, as displayed on the iTunes Store or the App Store.
- Ad headlines and content must accurately represent the product/services being advertised.
- Ads must direct a user to relevant content and not a “jump page” or “related links.”
2.3 Defamatory and profane content: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or unlawful content, as well as profanity (including distasteful wording or phrases).
2.4 Discriminatory content: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates discrimination, attacks, or hate toward an individual or group based on race, sex, creed, color, national origin, ethnicity, disability, religious affiliation, age, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other category of persons protected from such conduct under applicable law.
2.5 Illegal or criminal conduct: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes illegal or criminal conduct, whether general or specific, as well as instructions or tips for engaging in illegal or criminal conduct, avoidance of detection of illegal or criminal conduct, or evasion of law enforcement. Illustrative examples include:
- Advertising promoting or facilitating the sale of products or services of questionable legality (e.g., falsely obtained passwords, pyramid schemes, or products designed to evade speed-enforcement laws, countries subject trade sanctions).
- Advertising of Usenet, newsgroup, or peer-to-peer file-sharing networks that allow users to download or access files directly from other users.
2.6 Intellectual property violations: Advertising that contravenes the lawful IP rights of others, as well as Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of products or services that act to contravene IP protection (e.g., software, cable, or satellite signal descramblers), or counterfeit, fake, or bootleg products, or replicas or imitations of designer products.
2.7 Miscellaneous Prohibited Content:
2.7.1 Advertising that contains comparisons to or reduces, diminishes, or damages the goodwill, value, or reputation associated with Apple or Apple’s products, services, systems, or applications, is prohibited.
2.7.2 Advertising that directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of products or services that compete with Apple hardware products (e.g., mobile phones / smartphones , tablets, notebook/desktop computers, and smart watches) is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
2.7.3 Apple reserves the right to evaluate and suspend or terminate any advertising that it views as harmful to its interests with notice to Provider. For categories of advertising over which Apple has no control of suspension or termination (e.g., on-field, in-stadium, player jersey, etc.), the Parties will engage in good faith discussions to promptly address advertising that is harmful to Apple’s interests.
2.7.4 Advertising of degrees or transcripts for sale or offered by non-accredited universities or programs, “life experience” degrees, academic paper-writing services, or the sale of pre-written essays, theses, and dissertations.
2.8 Political advertising: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes political candidates, office holders, parties, organizations, fundraising, and electoral votes or initiatives, including advertising expressing opposition to such, is prohibited. Advertising regarding issues of public importance that may also be politically topical or sensitive may be evaluated on case-by-case basis.
2.9 Religious advertising: Advertising that advocates or discredits a religion.
2.10 Sensitive or inappropriate content: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of obscene, shocking, or overly graphic content or imagery, as well as sexually explicit or suggestive themes or content (e.g., pornography, Kama Sutra, erotica, erectile dysfunction, “how to” and sex games).
2.10.1 Advertising that promotes non-sexually explicit or suggestive adult-oriented products or services in a tasteful manner and with due sensitivity to the potential audience (e.g., intimate, personal care, contraceptive, and fertility products) may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
2.11 Unsafe / unproven health-related products and services: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of medicines, supplements, drugs and/or devices, or other health-related products, services, regimens, or recommendations the safety or efficacy of which has not otherwise been sufficiently established or substantiated under applicable law, and at least with competent and reliable scientific evidence.
2.12 Weapons: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosive items or materials (such as bombs, grenades, fireworks, or firecrackers), as well as instructional materials relating to creating, assembling, enhancing, or acquiring explosive items.
2.13 Violence: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes violence, harm, or antisocial behavior.
3. Restricted
The following categories of advertising and sponsorship are subject to restrictions as specified below, in addition to all other stated restrictions and responsibilities:
3.1 Alcohol: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of alcohol products or services is subject to the following restrictions:
3.1.1 Advertising may not depict the use of alcohol in any unsafe or illegal manner, including depictions of excessive or irresponsible alcohol use.
3.1.2 All persons and scenes depicted in the Advertising must be age-appropriate – e.g., involving persons who are reasonably perceived as above the legal drinking age.
3.1.3 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract the attention of, portray or encourage the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the legal drinking age.
3.1.4 Advertising must include a responsible drinking (e.g., “please drink responsibly”) statement in its audio and/or video.
3.1.5 Advertising may not express or imply that consumption of alcohol will produce enhancements in physical attributes, attractiveness, personality, intellectual, physical, or athletic performance or ability, or social, professional, educational, athletic, or financial success.
3.1.6 Advertising may not promote the potency of alcohol products, including by reference to alcohol content by volume.
3.1.7 Advertising must adhere to applicable scheduling restrictions – e.g., aired or displayed at certain, limited times of day to ensure appropriate viewer population or composition.
3.1.8 Advertising must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines applicable to such claims in each country or region where the Advertising is disseminated.
3.2 Contests and sweepstakes: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of contests or sweepstakes (including fantasy sports contests) is subject to the following restrictions:
3.2.1 The advertised product or service may not be unlawful, fraudulent, unfair, or deceptive, and must offer all entrants a fair opportunity to achieve the advertised result.
3.2.2 Advertising must clearly and conspicuously disclose all applicable material limitations on eligibility or participation in the contest or sweepstakes.
3.2.3 Advertising may not make any misrepresentations about the nature of the contest or sweepstakes (e.g., false sense of urgency, limited number of eligible winners, exaggerated likelihood of winning, or that chances of winning increase as purchases increase).
3.2.4 Advertising may not indicate that failure to participate will disqualify a person from future contest or sweepstakes opportunities.
3.2.5 Advertising for contests or sweepstakes that require or provide a free means of entry must adequately disclose such fact and the material information about free entry (e.g., methods, locations, times, etc.).
3.2.6 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers in jurisdictions in which the promoted products or services are not lawfully available.
3.2.7 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers under the age for which the promoted products or services are lawfully available.
3.2.8 Advertising must accurately, clearly, and conspicuously represent that the contest or sweepstakes is void where prohibited by law.
3.2.9 Apple may require the Provider to submit all relevant materials or information relating to the contest or sweepstakes (e.g., complete rules, list of all prizes, etc.)
3.3 Dating: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of dating products or services is subject to the following restrictions:
3.3.1 Advertising may not promote international match-making services.
3.3.2 Advertising may not promote casual sex or adultery.
3.3.3 Advertising may not contain or promote otherwise impermissible sexual material under the guise of dating.
3.3.4 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract the attention of minors.
3.4 Dietary supplements: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of dietary or nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, or weight loss or control substances or programs is subject to the following restrictions:
3.4.1 Advertising must be supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence.
3.4.2 Advertising may not deceptively express or imply regulatory, scientific, or medical approval.
3.4.3 Advertising may not express or imply that a dietary supplement can treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
3.4.4 Advertising may not expressly or implicitly overstate efficacy or safety, even as puffery.
3.4.5 Individual examples of efficacy or safety in the Advertising must be representative of the typical consumer experience, as supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence.
3.4.6 Where appropriate, Advertising should caution viewers to consult their physician.
3.4.7 Advertising must comply with all laws, regulations, and guidelines applicable to the claims (e.g., Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, FTC Act, etc.).
3.4.8 Advertising for weight loss or control may not target or intentionally attract the attention of children.
3.5 Financial products or services: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of financial products or services is subject to the following restrictions:
3.5.1 Advertising for categories of products or services associated with deceptive, unfair, or abusive practices is not allowed.
3.5.2 Advertisers of short-term loans, such as payday loans or cash advances, must be a member of at least one of the following associations: InFin, A Financial Services Alliance, Online Lenders Alliance, or Canadian Payday Loan Association.
3.5.3 Advertising may not promote specific securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, notes, warrants, options, mutual funds), cryptocurrencies or similar digital asset tokens, initial public offerings, initial coin or token offerings, and other coin, token offerings, or cryptocurrency offerings.
3.5.4 Advertising may not promote insider tips on a particular security, commodity, or investment.
3.5.5 Advertising must sufficiently disclose all material risks, restrictions, and qualifications relating to eligibility or use.
3.5.6 Advertising may not expressly or implicitly represent predictions about future investment outcomes or guarantees. If the Advertising contains representations about past investment outcomes, it must contain a clear and conspicuous disclaimer that past results are not an indication or guarantee of future performance.
3.6 Gambling: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of gambling (including online gambling, sports betting, etc.) is subject to the following restrictions:
3.6.1 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers in jurisdictions in which the promoted products or services are not lawfully available. Advertising must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines in each country or region where the Advertising is disseminated.
3.6.2 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers under the age for which the promoted products or services are lawfully available. For example, Advertisements may not: (1) contain images, symbols, celebrity or entertainment endorsements, or language designed specifically to appeal to minors; (2) feature anyone who is, or appears to be, a minor; (3) air, or be distributed within programs, that appeal primarily to minors; or (4) be placed before any audience where the majority of viewers is presumed to be minors.
3.6.3 Advertising must clearly and conspicuously include all disclaimers required under applicable law (e.g., problem-gambling messages, disclaimers about the availability of the service in particular jurisdictions).
3.6.4 Advertising for online gambling or sports betting must include, in addition to any applicable legal requirements, the following disclaimers in legible font and on screen for no less than five seconds:
States, countries, regions, or locales where the advertised activity is legal (e.g., “only for players in New Jersey”) and “void where prohibited by law.”
Legal age to play.
If the Advertising includes testimonials from winners or other players, a message stating “results not typical” (or using similar language). Apple may require a valid, binding affidavit or similar written assurance substantiating the veracity of testimonial claims. Testimonials that contain dramatization, reenactment, or actors must contain an appropriate disclaimer.
A general problem-gambling message, such as “Play Responsibly” or a statement identifying problem-gambling resources (e.g., “1-800-GAMBLER”)
3.6.5 Advertising must adhere to applicable scheduling restrictions – e.g., aired or displayed at certain, limited times of day to ensure appropriate viewer population or composition.
3.6.6 Advertising must include information regarding the terms and conditions of play or contain a prominent disclosure of where such terms and conditions may be found.
3.6.7 Advertising may not describe offers, promotions, or bonuses as “free” or “risk free” if consumers to risk loss of money or other assets. If customers must risk loss of money or other assets or incur any loss to qualify for an offer, promotion, or bonus, the Advertising must disclose those terms.
3.7 Movies and video games: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of motion pictures, videos / streaming videos, or video games is subject to the following restrictions:
3.7.1 Advertising must clearly and conspicuously disclose the applicable rating for the promoted content. Advertising for content that is not yet rated must include a statement of anticipated rating. For the avoidance of doubt, Apple shall rely exclusively on the Provider to validate the rating presentation.
3.7.2 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers under the age for which the promoted content is rated or anticipated to be rated.
3.7.3 Advertising must adhere to applicable scheduling restrictions – e.g., aired or displayed at certain, limited times of day to ensure appropriate viewer population or composition.
3.7.4 Advertising may not promote adult themed or red-band promotional content.
3.8 Prescription drugs and medical devices: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes or facilitates the sale of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical products, over the counter drugs, medical devices, or medical services or treatments is subject to the following restrictions:
3.8.1 Advertising must comply with all applicable laws and regulations (e.g., the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act, HHS / FDA rules and guidance, etc.).
3.8.2 Advertising may not promote off-label use and must include an overt reference to use the product in accordance with labeling directions.
3.8.3 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers in jurisdictions in which the promoted products or services are not lawfully available.
3.8.4 Advertising may not target or intentionally attract viewers under the age for which the promoted products or services are lawfully available.
3.8.5 Where appropriate, Advertising should caution viewers to consult their physician.
3.8.6 Claims that a product, device, service, or treatment is “clinically proven” effective should be supported by at least two competent and reliable clinical studies.
3.9 Public issues: Advertising that contains or directly or indirectly promotes a position on public issues or topics of public importance is subject to the following restrictions:
3.9.1 Advertising may not contain obscene, shocking, overly graphic, or offensive content or imagery, or content or imagery that is reasonably likely to generate or fuel public controversy.
3.9.2 Advertising may not contain attacks of a personal or ad hominem nature against any person, group, or organization.
3.9.3 Advertising may not address or comment on a private matter or dispute.
3.9.4 Where required by applicable law, the Advertising must clearly and conspicuously disclose the identity of the person or entity paying for or otherwise promoting the Advertising.
Apple reserves the right to modify these Policies at any time. Apple may also apply restrictions or limitations to your advertising.