Manage recommend­ations

How to apply or dismiss recommendations individually

From the row of the recommendation you’d like to apply or dismiss, go to the Actions column. Click the “✓” symbol to apply the recommendation, or click the “—“ symbol to dismiss it.

How to apply or dismiss recommendations in bulk

If you’d like to apply or dismiss all available recommendations, select the checkbox at the top left of the recommendations table in the header row. If you’d like to bulk apply or dismiss specific recommendations, select the checkboxes to the left of each recommendation. Then click the Apply or Dismiss button in the lower right.

How to apply recommended keywords using the bulk download template

In addition to applying individual keyword recommendations on the Recommendations page, you can also download them in a CSV file and bulk upload them on the Keywords tab within the All Keywords or Ad Group Keywords dashboard. Here’s how:

  1. In your Apple Search Ads account, open the Keyword Recommendations page and click Download in the menu bar above the table.
  2. In the downloaded CSV file, open the Targeted Keywords tab and identify the keywords that you want to apply.
  3. Go to the All Keywords or Ad Group Keywords dashboard within your account.
  4. From the Actions menu, choose Upload Keywords.
  5. Select Download a formatted template.
  6. Copy the keywords that you want to apply from the CSV file and paste them into the downloaded template.
  7. Save the template.
  8. Within the Upload Keywords window you have open in your Apple Search Ads account, click Choose a CSV file.
  9. Select your template file, and click Upload.

How to edit a recommendation before applying it

Edit a recommended keyword’s bid

  1. Click the amount in the Recommended Max CPT Bid column.
  2. Make your edit and click the Update button.
  3. Click the “✓” symbol in the Actions column to apply the recommendation.

After you edit a bid, estimated result amounts will be cleared. These metrics will reappear after you refresh the page.

Edit the destination ad group for a recommended keyword

  1. In the Ad Group Name column, click the Choose Ad Group link. Or, if there’s an ad group listed in the Ad Group Name column, hover over it, then click the Edit link that appears.
  2. Within the Choose Ad Group or Edit Ad Group window, choose an ad group from the menu.
  3. Click Save.

Edit the ad group for multiple recommended keywords

  1. Click the Edit Ad Groups link in the upper right.
  2. Within the Edit Ad Groups window, choose a country or region from the menu to see a list of the recommended keywords for that country or region. You may also choose a grouping of countries and regions, but this will display only those recommended keywords that apply across that grouping of countries and regions.
  3. From the list of keywords that appears, deselect any terms you don’t want to add to the ad group. If you deselect a keyword and want to re-add it, use the menu to choose that keyword again.
  4. From the Ad Group Name menu, choose the ad group where you’d like to add the keywords. The ad group must be active, promoting the same app, and running in the same countries or regions as the recommendations.
  5. Click Save.

On the Keyword Recommendations page, you’ll see your edited ad group in the Ad Group Name column next to your selected keywords. You can then choose to apply your updated recommendations individually or in bulk.

Edit a bid or daily budget recommendation

  1. Click the amount in the Recommended Max CPT Bid or Recommended Daily Budget column.
  2. Make your edit and click the Update button.
  3. Click the “✓” symbol in the Actions column to apply the recommendation.

Note that recommendations and estimated results are designed to help you with campaign optimization. There is no guarantee of specific results. You are responsible for your campaign choices.