Reporting options and definitions

Choose from three options when viewing performance data in your Apple Search Ads Advanced account

Campaigns dashboard

Access convenient, top level metrics at a glance within your Apple Search Ads Advanced Campaigns dashboard, Ad Groups dashboard, or Keywords tab. In search results campaigns, performance data for keywords, search terms, and ad variations is also available at the ad group level under each element’s corresponding tab. In Today tab campaigns, you can see ad-level performance data within the Ads dashboard of an ad group.

Charts dashboard

See data in bar graphs, in charts, and as trend lines to quickly visualize performance over time. You can view a variety of key metrics by date, ad group, or device, or according to specific audience refinements.

Custom reports

Create customized reports to see data the exact way you want it. Choose report dimensions, metrics, and granularity; run expansive queries at any level within your campaign group; and easily schedule reports to run once, daily, weekly, or monthly. Note that there may be a delay of up to three hours to view the latest data. Reports don’t include view-through or total metrics. Also, Apple Search Ads doesn’t support the use of third-party tracking URL variables or include data for in-app purchases. The Apple Ads Attribution API is also available to help you measure and attribute app downloads.

How reporting metrics are defined

Average CPA (Tap-Through)

Tap-through average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is total campaign spend divided by the number of taps on your ad that led to installs within the reporting period.

Average CPA (Total)

Total average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is total campaign spend divided by total installs resulting from a view or a tap on your ad within the reporting period.

Average CPM

Average cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) is the average amount you pay per one thousand ad impressions on the App Store.

Average CPT

Average cost-per-tap (CPT) is the average amount you’ve paid for a tap on your ad.

Average Daily Spend

The average amount spent each day. This is calculated as spend divided by the number of days selected in the Campaigns dashboard date range, with campaign duration taken into account.

CR (Tap-Through)

Tap-through conversion rate (CR) is total installs resulting from taps on your ad divided by the total number of taps within the reporting period.

CR (Total)

Total conversion rate (CR) is total installs resulting from a view or a tap on your ad divided by the total number of taps within the reporting period.


A dimension is an element of your Apple Search Ads campaign that can be included in a custom report. For example, campaign ID or CPT bid. Dimensions appear as rows in your custom reports.

Impression Share

The share of impressions your ad(s) received from the total impressions served on the same search terms or keywords, in the same countries and regions. Impression share is displayed as a percentage range, such as 0-10%, 11-20%, and so on. This metric is only available in predefined Impression Share custom reports and on the Recommendations page.


The number of times your ad appeared on the App Store within the reporting time period.

Installs (Tap-Through)

The total number of new downloads and redownloads from users who tapped on your ad within a 30-day window.

Installs (Total)

The total number of tap-through and view-through new downloads and redownloads from an ad within the reporting period.

Installs (View-Through)

The total number of new downloads and redownloads from users who viewed your ad but didn’t tap on it within a one-day window.

Match Source

This identifies whether your impression was the result of Search Match or a bidded keyword.

New Downloads (Tap-Through)

New downloads from users who tapped on your ad and have not previously downloaded your app. These are counted within a 30-day window.

New Downloads (Total)

The total number of tap-through and view-through new downloads within the reporting period.

New Downloads (View-Through)

New downloads from users who viewed your ad but didn’t tap on it, and have not previously downloaded your app. These are counted within a one-day window.


How your app ranks in terms of impression share compared to other apps in the same countries and regions. Rank is displayed as numbers from 1 to 5 or >5, with 1 being the highest rank. This metric is only available in predefined Impression Share reports and on the Recommendations page.

Redownloads (Tap-Through)

A redownload is when a user downloads your app, deletes it, then downloads it again on the same device or a different one following an ad tap. A tap-through redownload is counted when a user redownloads your app within 30 days of tapping on the ad.

Redownloads (Total)

The total number of tap-through and view-through redownloads within the reporting period.

Redownloads (View-Through)

A redownload is when a user downloads your app, deletes it, then downloads it again on the same device or a different one following an ad view. A view-through redownload is counted when a user redownloads your app without tapping on the ad within one day of the ad view.

Search Popularity

The popularity of a keyword, based on App Store searches. Search popularity is displayed as numbers from 1 to 5, with 5 being the most popular.

Search Term

Search terms are keywords and phrases that people have used to find the particular type of app they’re looking for.


The sum of the cost of each customer tap on your ad over the period of time set for your reporting.


The number of times your ad was tapped by users within the reporting time period.


The tap-through rate (TTR) is the number of times your ad was tapped by customers divided by the total impressions your ad received.