Create custom reports

Easily access Apple Search Ads Advanced performance data with flexible reporting options

Custom reports in Apple Search Ads Advanced let you set reports to the exact granularity you need; run expansive queries for key metrics at the keyword, ad group, campaign, country or region, or app level; and schedule reports to automatically run daily, weekly, or monthly.

How to find custom reports

Click the Insights link in the upper-right corner of your Campaigns dashboard, Ad Groups dashboard, Ads dashboard, or Keywords tab. Then choose Custom Reports from the menu. This will take you to the Custom Reports page, where you can create a new report, access your previously generated reports, and check the status of reports. After a report has been created, you’ll have options to download or delete it.

How to use predefined reports

Save time by using predefined reports that are built for common dimensions and metrics. From the Report Type menu, you can choose:

  • Keywords Report: For all keyword performance across all search results ad groups and campaigns in a single campaign group.
  • Search Terms Report: For all search term and corresponding keyword performance in all search results ad groups and campaigns in a single campaign group.
  • Ads Report For ad-level performance by ad, ad group, campaign, country or region, and app, for search results, Search tab, and Today tab campaigns within a single campaign group.
  • Ad Groups Report: For ad group-level data by ad group, campaign, country or region, and app within a single campaign group.
  • Spend Report by Country or Region: For spend by billing entity and country or region. Useful for billing reconciliation.
  • Daily Impression Share Report: For daily impression share, rank, and search popularity performance by app and country or region.
  • Weekly Impression Share Report: For weekly (Sun - Sat) impression share, rank, and search popularity performance by app and country or region.

To further customize a predefined report, you may edit its dimensions, metrics, and date range. Simply drag in the dimensions or metrics you want to add, or click the X next to the dimensions or metrics you want to delete. Use the Date Range menu under the report name to adjust the reporting period. Note that for Daily and Weekly Impression Share reports, dimensions can’t be edited and time zone is constrained to UTC to improve report generation performance. In addition, data for these two report types is only available as far back as April 12, 2020 and can only include a maximum of 12 weeks of data at a time.

How to build a custom report

  1. On the Custom Reports page, click the Create Report button.
  2. Choose Custom Report or a predefined report from the Report Type menu. Choose your date range and time zone from the menus.
  3. Name your report.
  4. Drag the dimensions and metrics you’d like to measure into the appropriate area of the Report Builder tool. For example, if you wanted to view impressions and spend for all your active campaigns by ad group and country or region, you would drag the ad group name and country or region dimensions and the impressions and spend metrics.
The Report Builder page in Apple Search Ads Advanced, with available report dimensions and metrics on the left and the dimensions and metrics chosen for the custom report on the right.
  1. Choose how often you’d like your report to run from the Schedule menus.
  2. Select the Notification checkbox if you’d like to have a link to the completed report emailed to you each time it runs.
  3. Click the Run Report button.
  4. When your report is completed, it will appear in your list of custom reports and will be available for download as a CSV file.

Choosing report dimensions and metrics

Dimensions will appear as the rows in your custom report. You can choose to include:

Time Month, Week, Day
Apps App Name, App ID
Campaigns Campaign Name, Campaign ID, Country or Region, Campaign Status, Ad Placement, Daily Budget, Campaign Start Date, Campaign End Date, Days Left in Campaign
Ad Groups Ad Group Name, Ad Group ID, Ad Group Status, Search Match, Bid Type (CPT, CPM for historical Search tab ad reporting only), Default Max Bid, Ad Group Start Date, Ad Group End Date
Keywords Keyword, Keyword ID, Keyword Match Type, Keyword Status, Keyword Max CPT Bid
Search Terms Search Term, Search Term Match Source
Ads Ad Name, Ad ID, Ad Status, Creative Source, Creative Sets ID, Creative Sets Language
Billing Budget Order Number, Billing Entity

The following dimensions cannot be combined within a single report:

  • More than one Time dimension.
  • Ads with Keywords or Search Terms dimensions.

Metrics will appear as the columns in your custom report.* You can choose to include:

Performance Spend, Taps, Impressions, Installs (Tap-Through), TTR, CR (Tap-Through), Avg CPA (Tap-Through), Avg CPT, Avg CPM, Avg Daily Spend
Advanced New Downloads (Tap-Through), Redownloads (Tap-Through), LAT On Installs (Tap-Through), LAT Off Installs (Tap-Through), Impression Share, Rank, Search Popularity

Keep in mind that:

  • Impression Share, Rank, and Search Popularity metrics can only be added as part of predefined Impression Share reports. These metrics are based on current market dynamics that may change.
  • All custom reports have an 18-month date range limit.
  • Predefined Impression Share reports can only display the last 12 weeks of data.
  • Cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) reporting is available for historical reporting on Search tab ads only.
Learn how specific dimensions and metrics are defined

Filter report data

Further refine your report by using the Filter option to view data by campaign name, campaign status, ad group status, keyword status, ad status, or country or region. If you set a filter that isn’t relevant to your report dimensions and metrics, your data won’t change. For example, if your report was set to show ads dimensions only and you filtered by keyword status, data would appear the same as it would without the filter.

Schedule a report

Choose the frequency at which your report runs and the start date and end date of your report from the menus below the Report Builder tool. You can run a report:

  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly — on the day of the week you prefer
  • Monthly — on the 1st, 15th, or last day of the month

If you’re scheduling the Spend Report by Country or Region, we recommend using the Monthly: 15th Day option, as it can take a few extra days at the end of the month to get the final spend data. Note that if you don’t download your Daily reports within 30 days, Weekly reports within eight weeks, and Monthly reports within four months, future scheduled reports will be paused and your report status will show as Inactive. But you can rerun reports at any time to see your data for specific time periods.

View and manage reports from the Custom Reports page

On the Custom Reports page, you can access all previously created and scheduled reports. You’ll see each report’s name, status, date range, frequency, last run date, and creator.

Understand report statuses

You may see any of the following in the Status column next to each report name:

  • Active — Recurring report is running.
  • Inactive — Recurring report has been paused because it hasn’t been downloaded within the required timeframe.
  • Failed — Report has failed to run due to one or more issues. Reports with failed status will also show a dashed line in the Last Run column.
  • Completed — Report has run, passed its set end date, and isn’t set to recur.

Download a report

In the Actions column of the Custom Reports page, click the Download icon next to the report you’d like to download. This will create a CSV file for you.

Delete a report

In the Actions column of the Custom Reports page, click the Delete icon next to the report you’d like to delete. Deletion will permanently remove your report from Custom Reports.

Get deeper into performance data with Insights (beta)

Insights (beta) is the analytics engine in your account that lets you explore and visualize data, to better inform decisions and understand the overall impact of all of your campaigns. Insights takes performance evaluation and reporting beyond custom reports, with:

  • Data access across all campaign groups within your account instead of only one campaign group at a time
  • Dynamically updated reports that incorporate newly available data every time you open the report and click Go
  • Additional metrics, including view-through metrics, along with pre-order downloads and standalone app opens — which are both coming soon
  • Flexible visualization options that let you see data as bar graphs, line charts, or in stacked columns, and configure attributes and measures in different ways
  • A wider range of predefined reports, including Ad Placements and Campaign Groups reports
Learn more about Insights