Apple Advertising Services Countries and Regions Specific Terms

Effective Date: February 1, 2024

Your use of the Apple Advertising Services is subject to the following Apple Advertising Services Countries and Regions Specific Terms. Capitalized terms that are used but not defined have the meanings assigned to them in the Apple Advertising Services Terms of Service (the “Terms of Service”).  

Apple Entities


Unless otherwise specified herein or in the Terms of Service, “Apple” shall mean any or all the following entities depending on the location where Your Ad Content is served using the Services: 

  1. Apple Inc., located at One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California 95014 for Ad Content served in North, Central and South America (excluding Canada and its territories and possessions), including United States territories and possessions, and French and British possessions in North America, South America, and the Caribbean; 
  2. Apple Canada Inc., located at 120 Bremner Blvd., Suite 1600, Toronto ON M5J 0A8, Canada for Ad Content served in Canada or its territories and possessions; 
  3. iTunes K.K., located at Roppongi Hills, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 106-6140, Japan for Ad Content served in Japan; 
  4. Apple Pty Limited, located at Level 3, 20 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia for Ad Content served in Australia, New Zealand, including island possessions, territories, and affiliated jurisdictions; and
  5. Apple Distribution International Ltd. (“ADI”), located at Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Republic of Ireland for Ad Content served in all other locations.


China mainland


The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in mainland China or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


You acknowledge and agree that irrespective of the definition of “Apple” herein or the location of the App Store serving Your Ad Content: (i) Your contracting counterparty under this Agreement is Apple Advertising (Beijing) Ltd., located at Room 603, Level 6, Building 4, Zone 1, No. 81 Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing; (ii) in connection with the Services, Apple Advertising (Beijing) Ltd. is transacting with You for access to use of the Services; (iii) Apple Advertising (Beijing) Ltd. is authorized to and may invoice You for Your access to and use of the Services and, if so invoiced or otherwise directed, You shall remit Your payments to Apple Advertising (Beijing) Ltd. as instructed; and (iv) in addition to the method(s) of notice to Apple specified in Section 11, You may provide written notice under this Agreement at the following address directed to “Apple Advertising (Beijing) Ltd.”: Room 212-215, Level 2, No. 2 Kexueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing. 




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in Egypt or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


Services under this Agreement shall be provided to You directly by ADI irrespective of the definition of “Apple” herein or the location of the App Store serving Your Ad Content.




The following terms apply to the use of the Services in France:


Apple and Content Provider hereby agree that the law 93-122 of 29 January 1993, known as “Sapin I”, and law 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016, known as “Sapin II” (collectively, “Sapin Law”) apply to Your use of the Services on the France App Store and all other uses of the Services to disseminate Campaigns in France. Accordingly, if You are acting as an Agent, You may not undertake a Campaign on behalf of, or for the benefit of, an advertiser customer (“Advertiser”) on the France App Store (i.e., a Campaign principally received on the French territory) if the Advertiser is a “French Company.” For the purpose of the Terms of Service, You agree that a “French Company” is either registered, established or otherwise located in France. To this end, You are prohibited to act secretly as an Agent or to hide that You are acting as an Agent when using the Services. Pursuant to Section 10 (Indemnity), You will be liable and agree to indemnify and hold Apple, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, and licensors harmless with respect to any claims arising out of Your breach of the Terms of Service.




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in Hungary or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


You hereby confirm that You have reviewed Sections 7(f), 9(e), 9(g), and 13 of the Terms of Service and that You expressly consent to them, as well as to the entire Terms of Service.




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in Indonesia or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


Services under this Agreement shall be provided to You directly by ADI irrespective of the definition of “Apple” herein or the location of the App Store serving Your Ad Content.




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in Romania or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


You acknowledge and agree that any extension of credit by Apple to You in connection with the Services is an offer of payment terms to enable You to purchase the Services under the Terms of Service, and does not constitute provision of credit facilities or crediting activity under Romanian law (including Law no. 93/2009 on non-financial banking institutions and Government Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on credit institutions for Campaigns that are expressly identified as eligible for ADUs (defined below) in an IO and capital adequacy, respectively).




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in the Russian Federation or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


Services under this Agreement shall be provided to You directly by ADI irrespective of the definition of “Apple” herein or the location of the App Store serving Your Ad Content.


South Korea


The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in the Republic of Korea or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof: 


Notwithstanding Section 13 (Termination) of the Terms of Service, if You fail to comply with a material provision of the Terms of Service, Apple, upon 10 days’ notice, may: (I) terminate the Terms of Service and/or Your Account, and You will remain liable for all amounts due under Your Account up to and including the date of termination; (II) terminate the license to the software application; and/or (III) preclude access to the Services (or any part thereof), in each case unless such material breach is cured within 10 days.




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in Ukraine or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


Services under this Agreement shall be provided to You directly by ADI irrespective of the definition of “Apple” herein or the location of the App Store serving Your Ad Content.




The following terms apply to Content Providers who reside or are located in Vietnam or are subject to the jurisdiction thereof:


Services under this Agreement shall be provided to You directly by ADI irrespective of the definition of “Apple” herein or the location of the App Store serving Your Ad Content.